andr3w321 on January 2nd, 2011

Been awhile since I’ve had any personal updates and I’ve been meaning to make this one for awhile now, but have procrastinated on getting the pictures up here. Finally got around to it today and here’s what I’ve been entertaining myself with recently. First off I got my gf a bobble head for her birthday about two months ago and thought it turned out pretty well. When they first sent me the pics of it I didn’t think it looked too much like her but since receiving it I think it’s grown on me. I think they make great gifts, the only problem is they take 6 weeks from the time you order them to the time they get delivered so you have to order them super far in advance if you’re interested in getting one. I got mine from if you’re curious and no they did not pay me to endorse them or anything.

Next up I ended up making a cherpumple for Thanksgiving. For those of you who don’t know what a cherpumple is it’s three pies baked into three cakes all frosted with cream cheese frosting and stacked together. You can watch the youtube video from the creator below:

Well all I’ll say is if you’re thinking of doing it for next year I wouldn’t recommend it. Don’t get me wrong I had a lot of fun making it but it didn’t end up tasting that great, and it just ended up collapsing in on itself into one big blob. We made a few noob mistakes, like pushing the pies down and breaking them when covering them in cake mix and not using large enough pans for the cake mix step, but I think in general cherpumples probably have a habit of collapsing in on themselves. Below are the pics. You would think that because you like all the ingredients you would love the end product, but what you end up eating is more like taking your whole thanksgiving dinner, throwing it into a blender and then scooping out a big serving as your meal. It’s just kinda too weird with too many ingredients thrown into one. Definitely something new and different though. I don’t regret making it at all, I just wouldn’t do it again.

Cooked Pies look innocent enough

Action shot stacking them!

You can already see the leaning…

The chopsticks are to hold it together… they didn’t work.

End product. Ended up storing the leftovers in a bowl lol.

The last most recent thing I’ve been occupying my free time with is marathon running. About a month ago I made a bucket list which I highly recommend everyone do because there are just certain things you can only do while you’re young and if you don’t make a list and plan of when you plan on doing these things time will run out and you’ll never do any of them. Anyways, on my list one of the things I wrote down was to run a marathon which I made a goal of completing in 2011. I read up all I could on how to train, bought myself some nice running shoes and started with the following training schedule. It says you should be able to run 30 minutes straight before starting the program and I figured since I didn’t die after 30 minutes of running this was good enough to start.

Well fast forward three weeks of strictly following the schedule and I tried to do my first 8 mile run and just couldn’t. I was already super sore from a couple days ago and clearly suffered from overtraining and over exertion. I actually got really sick too a couple days later which I think was a result of trying to go to hard too quickly. It’s a pretty common rookie mistake, but I’m gonna start training again in the new year. When they say you can run 30 minutes straight before starting the schedule, what they really mean is you have run 30 minutes 3-4x per week for a month or two before you start the schedule. Anyways, I’m gonna start over now that I’m feeling a lot better and just go for a half marathon early this year, and hope for the full marathon by year’s end.

Happy new year all and best of luck in 2011!

andr3w321 on December 15th, 2010

According to a very reliable source Andrew Feldman who wouldn’t say so if it weren’t true the Reid bill is officially dead.

I’ve been sweating this bill pretty hard hour by hour day to day and when it first came out I was supporting it even though it would have sucked for 15 months I believed the pros outweighed the cons. However, the bill kept on getting revised and made worse and worse for the players and by the time the 3rd version surfaced which would have allowed intrastate gambling I became opposed. It’s all for nought really I guess as it’s dead now and my opinions don’t really matter anyways as I have no say or vote in the matter. I will say a couple things for everyone who was opposed to it from the beginning.

If you are pro legalization and regulation and believe this is a good thing (most people say they are but don’t really understand what it entails) you must be willing to accept a few hurdles in the future.

There will be a black out period. Yes 15 months is extreme, but the Barney Frank bill before this had a black out period, the Reid bill had one, and any future bill is going to have one. Accept this and try to get it as short as possible obviously, but if you are pro regulation you can not be opposed to any black out period. To say you are, and to not support any bill that has one, is to say you are opposed to legalization and regulation of poker in the USA.

Some states are going to opt out. This is also just the way it is. The only way the federal government can shove legalized gambling down the throats of all 50 states is to amend the wire act of 1961 and that just ain’t gonna happen. A lot of people were opposed to this bill because states had the option of opting out and people freaked out when they realized their state might do so. In time perhaps all will opt in but initially it’s just not going to happen. I will say that 43 of the 48 continental states already have state lotteries and one of them that doesn’t is Nevada so I mean clearly the majority of the states are not opposed to accepting tax money for gambling. It just may take awhile to get everyone on board. The most important thing is to lay the foundation initially with a large # of states opting in, and then try to get the other ones to opt in later if we have to. To oppose any bill that allows states to opt out of legalization is to oppose the legalization and regulation of poker in the USA.

The status quo is just fine. We don’t need regulation. No it is not. The US department of justice is going after new payment processors daily. Funds are being seized. The sites are currently eating the losses but that will not last forever. There is very little competition in the current market. Winrates are declining and rake is increasing. This will only get worse as time goes on. The only thing that will change that is regulation. Regulation will bring:

1. Increased competition and likely rake reduction
2. Get rid of the cash out/deposit problem. Remember how nice neteller in 2005 was?
3. Increased security and a means for recourse. Would you like Russ Hamilton 2 to be thrown in jail? I certainly would. Would you like the ability to sue a poker site that steals your money and refuses to refund you? I certainly would. Would you like to be told when and how you are cheated? Have a 3rd party look over hand histories for you and make sure nothing fishy is going on instead of leaving it up the poker site’s discretion? Until regulation we get none of this.
4. Potentially a new poker boom.

Here’s to wishing us well in 2011.

andr3w321 on December 6th, 2010

For anyone unaware there’s a good chance some online poker legislation will be pushed through at the federal level in the next week and a half and it will surely shake things up quite a bit. Here are some cliffs courtesy of NoahSD on 2+2

Originally Posted by NoahSD
My attempt at cliffs:

The Congress is currently in a lame duck session. Basically a bunch of Dems got voted out, but there’s a 1.5 month window where they’re still in control. That window’s likely to end in about a week and a half, so they’re trying to get some stuff through before the reps take over.

In particular, Senator Reid (majority leader of the senate, so a powerful dude) is considering attaching a bill to license and regulate online poker (only poker) to other legislation that’s almost definitely going to pass. The most likely target is a bill to extend tax cuts that the Dems and Reps have been negotiating over since the election. Nobody’s really sure how likely this is to actually happen, as it’s likely to be an unpopular move if the Reps decide to make a big deal out of it. However, there’s been very little resistance so far.

An old draft of the bill has leaked, and obviously the gist of it is to license and regulate online poker, which basically everyone wants obv. Some of the details are also pretty positive–the tax is a 20% revenue tax, which consensus suggests is really small and would be more likely to lead to lower rakes than higher rakes.

However, there are some pretty huge negatives that are causing some people to argue that this bill could be worse than the status quo. Probably the biggest is a 15-month “blackout” in which no sites would be allowed to legally serve the US. If this ends up in the bill and the bill passes, the consensus is that the more “legit” sites like Stars and FTP will pull out of the US market and wait to get licenses. Sites that pretty much have no chance of getting a license like Bodog will probably stick around.

It’s not clear whether or not the blackout will be in the bill and if it is if it will be 15 months. TheEngineer has said they’re still negotiating this point and trying to get rid of it or make it a shorter time period or whatever.

Non-US players won’t be allowed to play on US-based sites. So that would be something like the equivalent of and A while from now, they might be allowed in, but the default is no. Stars and FTP will have no reason to stop serving non-US players during the blackout, but of course during the blackout they’ll have basically no US players if this happens, so that’ll hurt their traffic a ton I imagine.

You can follow the most up to date version of the thread here

andr3w321 on November 12th, 2010

I awoke this morning to a text from chipsahoya with the following message, “Ugh, now what are you gonna do?” I immediately got a sick feeling in my stomach and knew exactly what had happened but had to login online to find out for sure. Well, my fears were realized and full tilt had banned all washington state residents.

I’m completely out of a job. Not really sure what I’m gonna do now. I guess I have to move. It really sucks because I had finally started to build up some nice contacts for my ATM business and get some consistent gigs and everything but I guess it’s all over now. Really soul crushing day. May be buying a plane ticket out of this state in a day or two as I can’t exactly afford to remain unemployed for very long. I really do love it here in Seattle, but I guess they don’t want or me here anymore.

andr3w321 on November 7th, 2010

In the decade or so that online poker has been around there have been relatively few genuine innovations to the game of poker with maybe the exception of Rush Poker by full tilt which was really only created so they could collect rake at a quicker rate. It really makes you wonder why there hasn’t been more innovation and I think again the reason is due to the lack of competition in the market. So here’s a couple free ideas for how I think the sites could add some unique features and keep the game interesting and less boring.

Team Play. There have been a couple of live tournaments that have utilized various ways of playing poker as a team but online poker has yet to embrace any variants of it. One person plays flop & river, other plays preflop and turn. At the wsop every year a lot of times people will pick themselves and one of their friends to make more $$ than two other challengers. With how easily accessible everyone is on the internet, how come there is no method of team play offered in online poker? Why can’t I challenge me and my buddy who’s decent vs Durrrr and some donk to see who will win? Why don’t they offer a way to wager on the match?

Duplicate Tables. Same Opponents. Another great thing about online poker is people have the ability to play multiple games and tables vs the same opponent(s). Why isn’t there a “Duplicate” button when I first join a headsup match to allow us to automatically have one or more of the same tables opened for us. You could even implement this in 6max or fullring games. Playing four tables of 6 max vs the same 5 other people is much more fun and creates a lot more metagame rather than random people across the tables. Sure it’s difficult to get everyone to agree, but this ends up happening anyways, it should be easier to create with out so much effort on our parts.

Must Move Tables. I actually stole this from someone on 2+2, but I spend a decent amount of time on waiting lists. Sure full tilt’s ability to join the waiting list for all types of that kind of table as opposed to just individual tables like you used to be able to do helps, but why can’t a table be automatically created for everyone on the wait list waiting to join the game? They can still remain in line for the game their trying to join, but in the mean time they gotta play with the other people waiting. Great thing about this is it creates more rake for the sites which is why they should dig it, but it also eliminates all those 70 person waiting lists for the one drooler at the high stakes games.

Voice or Video Chat. I understand we shouldn’t be trying to turn poker sites into the next skype, but what’s wrong with amping up the trash talk by allowing mics? You would still be able to mute people of course but who wouldn’t love to hear their villains moans and groans when you stack them or their ridiculous gloating and celebrations when they win a hand. It would really appeal to the one tabling fish I think and be good for the poker economy by increasing their level of entertainment and enjoyment while playing. Also, if you want your slogan to be “Play poker with the pros” being able to voice or video chat as opposed to simple text chatting is pretty huge in adding to this realism.

Create Your Own Mix. Create Your Own Game. Poker sites aren’t utilizing all of their customer’s ability to innovate and create for them. They should take a page out of playbook and let us poker players do it for them. If I want to create a three card hold’em variation like pineapple I think it’s called and invite some people to play me in it why can’t I? If I want to create and play 5 card plo why can’t I? If I want to play a mix of razz and 2-7 triple draw why can’t I?

Escrow Service. How often do bets get made between poker players requiring an escrow? Why can’t the sites themselves offer this very simple service for a small fee?

Online poker is still in it’s infancy and I’m sure it will continue to evolve and change in the coming years, but come on Full Tilt and Stars. Give me some real added value and unique features in your next software update!

andr3w321 on November 6th, 2010

And the rake killed it. I would like to preface this post by saying that you may view this as an andr3w321 can’t win anymore so he’s going to blame rake post, but I try to be as fact based as possible in my analysis and as I stated in my last post I am clearly not the only one struggling at the moment and from the various threads I reference on 2+2 I am clearly not the only one who feels this way.


Playing 1/2 NL I pay about 10 cents per hand in rake. This is 2.5 big bets per 100 hands played. This is higher than most winrates and everyone is paying it. You win or lose, gotta pay the sites their guaranteed variance free, risk free winrate of 2.5BB/100 from everyone at the table. There’s a number of threads on 2+2 discussing this topic if you’re interested.

Nobody really seemed to notice they were getting raped so badly on rake when winrates were high and it was really easy to overcome the high cost of rake but in the months and years since as winrates have declined the rake has not. In fact, it has done the opposite and increased (when was the last time you saw a half decent redoposit bonus? blackcard promotion? ahem, rake increase promotion?) it has affected more and more players turning them into breakeven or losing players. During the poker boom Stars and FTP were expanding their markets and continuing to bring in new fish from Europe, Asia or South America but now that the poker boom is over the market is saturated, the economy has tanked, players have gotten better and Stars and FTP have stopped supplying us with what we were paying them so highly for (an endless supply of fish with deep pockets) it’s creating much too high of a drain on the poker economy and people aren’t winning that much anymore.

You can have a look at winrates and see how much people are up this year at’em-winners-year/1-2-NL for whatever stake, site or limit you want. If you take a look at 1/2 NL there is exactly one person in the world up over 100k this year. Now take a look at how many hands and rake these players have paid and it’s disgusting. While the actual biggest winner for the year “pobolero” is up 100k over 800k hands (paid 80k in rake) take a look at someone with a lesser winrate like “redacesfull” who no doubt is supernova elite on pokerstars. The dude is up 67k over 3mil hands, meaning he has paid pokerstars 300k in rake this year. Sure I suppose he gets like half of this back but still, it’s just a completely messed up system where the harder you work and more you win doesn’t necessarily mean you will win more $$ for your self. So in actuallity, pobolero has won 180k and paid roughly 60k in rake assuming he gets 25% back for a net of 120k for the year, and redacesfull has won 367k and paid 150 to 225k in rake for a net of 142 to 200k. What does redacesfull get for his extra effort? He gets a congratulatory e-mail, a couple of stars on his online worthless badge, and the “privilege” of getting to do it again and earning a 6 figure salary for poker stars. Redacesfull has earned twice as much money playing poker this year than pobolero and is only actually earning an extra 25-40% for himself and just paying all the excess proceeds to pokerstars.

Don’t forget that redacesfull has to put his own money at risk every day and it’s not like he’s an employee of poker stars and receives any health benefits or anything from them. He could easily go broke doing this. It is quite common for employees to earn multiple times what they earn for the company they work for but they are usually putting the company’s capital at risk and they have a guaranteed salary. They are never going to go broke doing their job. Only in poker do you have the unique opportunity to go broke while paying a service provider a 6 figure salary beating everyone else at the game, but just not well enough to overcome the ridiculous high cost of doing business. Also, the more you work the more you pay. Great system.

It’s a completely messed up system and it needs to change. It’s not enough that you win at poker any more, you need to have at least a 2BB/100 winrate at each table you are playing with rakeback to breakeven (at 1/2 nl that is, at lower stakes it’s much higher, at higher stakes it’s lower) or else it is -EV to be sitting down. This is extremely difficult to handicap sometimes, and in general is just terrible for the state of poker and the games. Less and less of the money deposited is fitering up to the high stakes because the sites are taking so much from rake, that they just drain the system til it’s dry and leave us regulars to fight over what little scraps are left.

A lot of people debate the fact that we are being charged too much in rake and that free markets are at work and if I don’t like it hey I can go play somewhere else. Well, I live in Washington State in the United States. I am not allowed to play on any euro sites because I live in the US and because I live in Washington I am not allowed to play on Stars or Cake?(I think) anymore. Full Tilt is the only site I am allowed to play on. This is a monopoly. They can charge whatever the f they want. Don’t get me wrong I think Full Tilt puts out a great product and am very thankful they are still providing me with this service. I very much appreciate it. I want to make it clear that I do not hate Full Tilt in anyway. What I hate is their lack of competition.

Some people will argue that hey if I don’t like that I can just go play live. Well, my understanding is that in the state of Washington there’s some law where no more than $100 can be bet per street and obv you can only play one table at a time. This is nowhere close to the same product as online poker and there’s no way you can call this competition.

Hopefully by now, I’ve convinced you that it is in fact a monopoly. Feel free to leave a comment if you still don’t believe me and have a counter argument. Now what can we do about it? How can we get rake lowered. There are basically two choices I see.

1. Increase competition. The only way this is going to happen is to legalize online poker in the US.
2. Organize and fight back as poker players.

In response to #1 this is a slow and long process, and who knows if it will ever even happen. I have my own personal half joking, half serious conspiracy theory which is that the reason there hasn’t been a stronger push by the big poker sites like Stars and FTP to legalize online poker in the US is because they know it would be bad for business if it happened and they make much more when it remains in the grey area. They know their current oligarchy and price gouging would have to come to an end.

I mean sure a bunch of poker players have donated small sums to the PPA but how much buying power in Washington do they really have compared to the huge sums the sites could spend if they wanted to get it legalized. Truth is, they don’t want it legal and are quite happy with the status quo.

In response to #2. Poker players are notoriously both self interested and incredibly short sighted. As for being self interested, I heard at the PPA rally here in Olympia, WA a number of years ago when they were trying to protest the bill banning online poker in Washington a total of 20 people showed up. Pathetic. As far as being short sighted, how often do you see a fish berated for making a poor play? This gets brought up over and over again, but it’s terrible for the game and for your winrate.

I don’t have a lot of faith in poker players banning together for some sort of protest or boycott but if they do try to think about the greater good. If there is a mass sitout, please don’t play. Sure you may make double or triple your normal hourly for a couple of hours. Don’t be stupid. Don’t be so self interested and short sighted like I expect you to be. Break the stereotype. Be a part of something.

andr3w321 on November 2nd, 2010

Were not so great. Ended up dropping $20k. About a week into the month I was up $15k and tried pushing my luck in some fairly high stakes mixed games. I think I played in some good games, but I made some mistakes and didn’t run very well. I actually lost $8k in 24 hands of a 200/400 omaha 8 or better which is a pretty astonishing loss rate. So it goes. Losing $35k straight is never very much fun. Stud games and laptop hands not included.

I’m down to about $9k online at the moment and have just been 6-8 tabling 1/2 NL like I said a couple of posts ago. I cashed in all my stars FPPs which gave me a bankroll boost in case you’re wondering on the math of my BR and $$ lost fwiw. I’ll be the first to admit I am rusty and have been away from the nlhe mass grind for awhile and my game has suffered. I haven’t been playing great, and it has taken a lot of trial and error to figure out which spots are good bluff and value bet spots as each limit, game and opponent are different. I definitely feel I am improving, my reads on the regs are developing and my next 20k hands of 1/2 will be much better. My goal for November is 60k hands of 1/2 nl and see where that takes me. I’ll be happy with a $5k profit as I’m getting pretty tired of losing. I take responsibility for my losses and my plan to get back to winning is simply to work harder than everyone else and play more hands than them next month. 3k hands/day for 20 days will hopefully get me there.

Having said this, the 1/2 games have not been particularly great to be honest and I’m pretty shocked at some of the players I am playing with day to day. I’ve played with SilentAssassin3, Porktom, Storkdelamork, Dodgygen, Padirk165 all at 1/2. I can remember playing with all these guys at 5/10 and 10/20 just a year and a half ago or so. You can tablerate any of them(except for dodgyken I dunno if he wants his sn outed) and see that right around 2010 their $$ won per hand really started dropping hard. It makes me feel a little better that I’m not the only one out there struggling but not much. It benefits me in no way to see others not succeed when I fail but I do think it’s a reflection of the state of the games right now which I’ll discuss in my next post.

andr3w321 on November 1st, 2010

It is a 2007 Kawasaki Ninja 250R with about 400 miles on it. Here I am test riding it.

I think I got a decent deal. Cost about ~$2k which I split with my girlfriend, but with title transfer, taxes, etc came to around $2.4k. Add in cost of motorcycle gear, insurance and the $125 motorcycle safety class and if you’re looking to get into motorcycles you’re looking at about $3k total. Anyways I’m pretty happy with the purchase. Hell of a lot more fun than some useless $3k watch a lot of poker players seem to love blowing their money on.

My gf and I are still pretty big riding noobs. We’ve had it about a week and have yet to really take it out on the streets yet. It’s been all parking lot driving thus far. Still working on starting and stopping on hills, keeping it upright when turning and moving extremely slow, using turn signals, easing on the brakes slowly etc. There’s a lot more to learning how to ride a motorcycle than you may think and it all takes awhile to learn. Yes I have driven stick before. There’s a lot more to think about on a bike. It’s very different. In a month or so I’ll probably be comfortable and feel much more natural riding. That’s about it for life updates atm!

andr3w321 on October 31st, 2010

Received the following e-mail from Full Tilt about five days ago.

Dear andr3w321,

The Full Tilt Poker Security department has recently concluded an extensive investigation and we have determined that some of your opponents were in violation of our site terms.

We have permanently closed all of the offending accounts. In cases of proven cheating, 100% of the confiscated funds are returned to the players who were victimized. The reimbursement calculation is based on the number of tournaments or hands played against the offending players, and the amount won or lost against them.

We have determined that you are entitled to a refund of $36.66 which will be placed in your account in the next 72 hours.

For a number of reasons, we are unable to provide any other additional information regarding this case, including the players involved and the game type where it occurred. We thank you for your understanding in this regard. The vigilance of our players in reporting suspicious behavior is an important addition to our ongoing diligence against unethical conduct, and we carefully investigate every concern of suspicious activity.

If you believe you have witnessed unfair play at our tables, please don’t hesitate to contact us at If there is any other way we can be of assistance, please let us know.

Full Tilt Poker Security


So, you won’t tell me the screen name of who cheated me. You won’t tell me how I was cheated. You won’t tell me what stakes I was playing when I was cheated. You won’t even tell me what game I was playing when I was cheated. But WAIT! You did refund me some arbitrary miniscule amount of $36.66, which I’m just supposed to trust your “extensive investigation” is the correct number I was cheated out of. Gee, I really appreciate being able to play 20 minutes for free on your site 8 tabling 1/2 NL which is what I have taken to the past couple of days and is about how long it takes for me to repay this amount in rake. I feel so much better now.

Full Tilt if you are reading this, please end all these closed information investigations and if you really want me to feel comfortable playing on your site TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED! I’ll even pay you the refund back in exchange for the information if that’s what it takes!

andr3w321 on October 5th, 2010

Been awhile I know. I’ve really been struggling mentally lately. Had to quit today after I was too tilted to continue from this hand I even have the Qh blocker so I can’t lose to QhJh. On the one hand losing really motivates me to play a lot of hands and hours to get my money back, but on the other after you lose so many all ins in a row you just start to think “what’s the effing point?” So, ya I haven’t really been putting in tons of hours.

The bright side is I’ve gotten my roll back up to about $23k which is an $11k profit from my last poker update two months ago. Here’s the HEM report and graph. They make it look like I’m a big fat loser, but you’ll just have to take my word for it that I’ve made what appears to be $17k in the stud games and rakeback over this time. I don’t have stud manager installed on this computer so I can’t post those results unfortunately.

Now that I’ve gotten some standard poker blog graphs and whining done I’d like to talk about some more interesting stuff. First up here’s a cool hand I played last month. Okay, so the hand itself isn’t all the interesting, but the equity is. If you’ll notice I get it in with the stone nuts on the turn and am actually a 42% underdog vs my opponents two flush draws and three pair. It wouldn’t be too uncommon to be getting freerolled here by the nuts and flushdraw for example and be an underdog, but I don’t think I’ve ever been in a scenario like this where I’m such a dog with the nuts vs my opponent on the turn who doesn’t have the nuts. Anyways, I thought it was kinda cool.

Secondly, I’d like to talk about motivation and goals. Over the past couple of months I’ve found that I’ve just been floating along treading water, not really sure what I’m doing with both my time and poker career. I’ve been lacking direction. One day I would grind some 30/60 stud games, next day 4 table 2/4 plo, next day 8 table 1/2 nl, next day play some 25/50 7 game if it pops up. I think this creates a major problem because I lack consistency from day to day and don’t really get used to the regulars or know what I’m aiming for. For example if you grind 1/2 nl every day, you eventually learn all the regs’ tendencies, have a bankroll goal monthly, yearly etc and are able to have a daily, weekly and month # hands goal. If you switch games a lot or try to play only 7 game every day will be different and you can’t really control your work hours and settle into a routine. If you are having this same problem I suggest one solution.

SET GOALS. You should set a monthly goal, a weekly goal and daily goal. Yearly goals are not so important in my opinion because it’s too easy to become sidetracked but they will come too if you just break down what you need to do day by day. I learned this from Jason awhile ago, but had to have a long talk with my girlfriend about a week ago to realize what I was lacking in my life. The truth was I lacked goals. I’m still in the process of figuring out what mine are at this point and even if I do figure them out according to this TED talk you’re not even supposed to tell anyone what your goals are as it makes you less likely to achieve them. You can still write them down of course, but I’m not sure which category blogging falls into in this case. If anyone wants to weigh in on this, please leave a comment.

Thirdly, the recent PokerStars ban has really affected my ability to grind mixed games. My plan was to just grind the stars 10/20 8 game until I got my roll up, but I’ve basically been priced out of the games as a result now. Below is a pic of the current FTP lobby.

Yes I could redeposit like $50k if I wanted and take a shot at the $150/$300 games again, but I told myself I wouldn’t and I’d stick it out at the lower limits for awhile proving I could rebuild there if I ever needed to. I will play literally anyone at 25/50 and 50/100 7 game, but it’s really hard for me to get action most of the time. If I could get your help please JOIN THIS FACEBOOK GROUP and invite all your friends to join to show your support for us WA residents rights to play online poker.

The threads concerning the recent ban have kind of died down relating to this issue lately, and it seems people have just kinda accepted this is how it is and are moving on. It’s pretty sad and I’m still not really sure what I can do in my power besides vote in November to get this issue resolved.

Lastly, I’ve been doing a bit of reading lately and just got done with


You may have read them in high school, but I didn’t and thought they were both quite good and thought provoking. Slaughterhouse Five was definitely the weirder of the two, but both are worth checking out if you’re looking for some good books to read.