Lack of playing ensues. So far this month I’ve played a total of 3000 hands all at 200NL for a profit of about $700 or so. First my internet got disconnected for about two days. I was very upset at my ISP about this and have a lot of hate for Comcast in general. Then […]
One thing I think is definitely underutilized by low limit players is the river checkraise or even the river check call. It’s important to realize when you have a hand that, if you bet, no worse hand will call you, but you can definitely catch some bluffs with it or get worse hands to try […]
So far this month I’ve played 2333 hands at 400NL (about 1000 today in which I lost about $1200 (3 buyins). Overall I’m up $500 at this level and my bankroll is sitting at 10.5k. I think I’m going to continue playing here unless I drop below 10k in which case I’m going to move […]
At the request of my first comment ever here are my lifetime cashgame stats(LOL I have reader(s)!) I had to combine all my screen names together which I’d never done before. Also, keep in mind starting in January 2007 I had a very nice tourney score for 13.5k so I started taking shots at 200NL […]
Just finished up a 1000 hand session where I won over $1k. Overall this month I’m up like $2900, though no doubt some downswing is just around the corner. I’m really happy with how I’ve been playing lately. This is one of my best played hands ever We were both very deepstacked and I […]
Lost about 1.5k in the past two days. As I write this my KK just got busted by 23o in a blind battle. Good times. I wish cardrunners would come out with a new sbrugby NL cash game video, he always helps my game a ton. On the bright side at least this will get […]
Two rules to learn and abide by: 1. Don’t bluff in reraised pots2. Don’t bluff without outs Now for some elaboration. In general bluffing in reraised or 3bet pots is a bad idea. By the time someone puts in a big 3bet and then continuation bets the flop they have put in about 1/3 of […]
Had my first losing session today in awhile. how you get no action in a 4-way reraised pot with a set is beyond me i started counting my money preflop, didn’t end up that way thoughpretty weird how he played it, I’m only calling with KK, maybe QQ with a read here’s a hand I […]
By peers I mean my college buddies and not other 200NL grinders or anything. I’m finding it really frustrating not being able to talk to anyone about poker. I spend the majority of my time thinking about and playing poker and have no one to talk to about it. This summer I am without and […]
Keeps the bill collectors away. Or at least so far that is true. I’ve finally gotten comfortable 4tabling 200NL. I started off the month playing 100NL, went on a decent downswing. Then I decided I was going to two table 200NL and reallly focus on every decision I was making. I had some success and […]