So I haven’t posted in awhile because I haven’t been playing much. I’ve spent the past week visiting my college buds back in Ann Arbor for St Patty’s day and had a real good time. I woke up twice at about 6am to go drinking and went out again both nights, good times.

When I got back to playing some poker I was definitely rusty and my first ~1k hands I was the hugest station ever calling down with A high and midpairs multiple times but luckily I hit a few suckouts and managed to slap myself around and start playing decent since then.

I recently splurged on the herman miller aeron chair a couple of weeks ago and it finally arrived today. Although expensive I’m very pleased with it so far. I usually have pretty bad back problems, but this one has very nice lumbar support and my back feels great today and I’ve only sat in it for one day!

Tomorrow I’m headed out to BTIMM’s for a cardrunner’s get together and I’m super pumped. People attending should be btimm, dodgyken, pdonk, AceCR, Dice I’ll try and take some pics and get them up here. You can find most of their blogs either on cardrunners or through dodgyken’s blog over there —–>

Here’s some hands from the past two days.

Probably the most fun hand I’ve played in awhile

Semi-interesting. I don’t think he’s going to be check raising with a K here, I think he leads the turn most of the time with one, so I think he’s got a draw here most of the time.

fold one time donk? When he checks the turn and bets the river I know he has something weak he wants to showdown.

Sorry no vids this time gotta rest up for tomorrow & its already late!

2 Responses to “Travel & Splurgin’”

  1. whitewash says:

    Sweet chair. I didn’t feel like spending $800-1000 on the Aeron, but I got a ripoff of it from Office Depot for $250. I love mine, so I can only imagine what the real Aeron is like.

  2. David says:

    Your office looks like mine, only neater! I just got an Aeron myself, it’s amazing. I thought every chair was the same until I got my Aeron. I ordered it from and they were able to ship it for free too. It was a pretty good deal so I feel like I was able to save a little too.

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