Were not so great. Ended up dropping $20k. About a week into the month I was up $15k and tried pushing my luck in some fairly high stakes mixed games. I think I played in some good games, but I made some mistakes and didn’t run very well. I actually lost $8k in 24 hands of a 200/400 omaha 8 or better which is a pretty astonishing loss rate. So it goes. Losing $35k straight is never very much fun. Stud games and laptop hands not included.

I’m down to about $9k online at the moment and have just been 6-8 tabling 1/2 NL like I said a couple of posts ago. I cashed in all my stars FPPs which gave me a bankroll boost in case you’re wondering on the math of my BR and $$ lost fwiw. I’ll be the first to admit I am rusty and have been away from the nlhe mass grind for awhile and my game has suffered. I haven’t been playing great, and it has taken a lot of trial and error to figure out which spots are good bluff and value bet spots as each limit, game and opponent are different. I definitely feel I am improving, my reads on the regs are developing and my next 20k hands of 1/2 will be much better. My goal for November is 60k hands of 1/2 nl and see where that takes me. I’ll be happy with a $5k profit as I’m getting pretty tired of losing. I take responsibility for my losses and my plan to get back to winning is simply to work harder than everyone else and play more hands than them next month. 3k hands/day for 20 days will hopefully get me there.

Having said this, the 1/2 games have not been particularly great to be honest and I’m pretty shocked at some of the players I am playing with day to day. I’ve played with SilentAssassin3, Porktom, Storkdelamork, Dodgygen, Padirk165 all at 1/2. I can remember playing with all these guys at 5/10 and 10/20 just a year and a half ago or so. You can tablerate any of them(except for dodgyken I dunno if he wants his sn outed) and see that right around 2010 their $$ won per hand really started dropping hard. It makes me feel a little better that I’m not the only one out there struggling but not much. It benefits me in no way to see others not succeed when I fail but I do think it’s a reflection of the state of the games right now which I’ll discuss in my next post.

One Response to “October Results”

  1. James says:

    inspirational vid. GL

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