If you’re looking for some time to waste browsing the web like I am way too often you make enjoy
The true account of a former US spy plane pilot
The Thrill of Flying the SR-71 Blackbird or
A 2+2 thread of a former rafting guide who tells his life story travelling the world and his crazy experiences doing so
Both are fairly long and hard to stop reading halfway through so don’t click unless you have some serious reading time on your hands.
Lifewise things have been going well. I just became an Uncle on Wednesday when my sister in law had her first baby so that was very exciting. I gotta get out to Colorado and see him soon. In other more sobering news I paid taxes which is always a bit of a downer. I’m a teensy bit worried about it as I had to write the IRS a bad check since I’m so life busto. I requested a wire transfer from FTP last Saturday to cover my taxes and it was finally deducted from my FTP account Wednesday, but still hasn’t shown up in my bank account yet. I checked last year’s dates and the IRS didn’t cash my check last year until the 27th so my ftp monies should be there on time and leave me in the clear. It’s just adding some unnecessary stress to my life and just about the last person you want coming after you is the IRS so keep your fingers crossed for me!
Pokerwise I’ve been doing well and am up about $14k for the month at the moment but that could all go away with one or two bad sessions. I really wish four tables of 50/100 7 game ran all day, but I have to play what’s running and if that’s 150/300 which is obv a bit above my bankroll so be it I just have to suck it up and play basically. Here’s some of the more interesting hands of the month. No surprise that they are both river decisions IMO.
A PLO tough river call. I have some blockers to the straights and just didn’t believe he’d take this line with 67 or JT.
I get minraised on the river and decide to 3 bet bluff him off a chop. May or may not have been a good bluff, but someone from my last strat post was asking about capped ranges and in this spot I think the best villain can have is a one card jack high straight where as my range can be as strong as quads.
Wow, I watched 35 seconds of that before wanting to stab myself in the eye with a pen, that is brutal. lol
Good luck on the check clearing, my guess is it will, but you never know with FTP, I have had problems with them before.