So the day after I made my last post I lost ~6kish almost all of it playing 5/10 deep. There was some fish sitting playing 59/36 potting any flop and ran so amazingly hot I’ve never seen anything like it. When I finally left I think he was sitting with like $14k. Pic below.

Obv I ran JJ into his QQ on T high flop for a $4k pot, then squeezed QQ and reshipped over villain’s AA resqueeze with fish coldcalling inbetween and lose a $4500 pot. I don’t think I really play very well deep and the 5/10 games just seem to run 200bb as standard now it seems. I’m nott gonna whine or say I’m running bad or anything cuz I’m not, I’m just flat out making bad decisions in some of the bigger pots that I play.

Anyways, since then I’ve made back about $4k over the past two days playing exclusively 2/4 PLO. I think I’m going to continue playing 2/4 PLO until at least October 1st. The games are still really good in PLO it seems I can still make a pretty good living playing them. Example. Ya apparently everyone’s hand was good enough to put in 21 big blinds preflop. If it weren’t for this I think I would seriously consider just becoming a 2/4 NLH grinder or *shock* going out and getting a real job.

NLH action just seems so dead on FTP. At 5/10 its just so loaded with 10 tabling 20/15 nit leatherass type grinders its so annoying. They give such little action and are pretty rarely bluffing past a cbet – it’s really hard to exploit and be winning much of any money off them cuz they’re just not getting out of line much past the occasional 4bet which is small anyways and exploiting it requires you to bluffshove your whole stack in. If FTP would add antes I think this would help a bit, but whatevs gotta deal w/ what ya got right? I’d be really interested in seeing some datamines but I’d be super shocked if much of anyone is running above 3BB/100 over a substantial sample size.

I recently read a Brandon Adams interview and I think he puts it pretty well bringing up a number of good points. Anyways, I think PLO is where the gold’s at right now and I’m going to really be grinding it working on it exclusively for the time being.

Here’s some pics of the finally furnished apartment.

4 Responses to “GG Hold’em Hellooooooo PLO”

  1. DODGYKEN says:

    Awesome kitchen.

    Nice living space.

    Boring set-up.

    Least balla bedroom ever.

    LOL Michigan bin.

    Let me sweat you at PLO sometime. I daren’t play anymore.

  2. btimm says:

    Michigan trash can ftw!

  3. whitewash says:

    Love the kitchen.

    BTW I’d be willing to bet a lot that you do not stick with PLO as your only game for that long.

  4. cntgetmedown says:

    Nice appt., thx for the link to the interview.

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