So I’ve been 8-tabling 5/10 recently with pretty good results. I kinda got the idea after I heard the leatherass9 interview on pokerroad I don’t think too highly of him and figured if he could do it I could too. At first I thought my play would deteriorate quite a bit, but I can still play my usual laggy style and maintain reads as well as float/bluff a decent amount. While I think my game has kinda peaked I realized I could still improve in terms of hourly rate by increasing # of tables. If this had gone poorly I was going to go back to my original plan of developing my PLO game but luckily it hasn’t. It’s amazing how many hands you can get in in so short a period of time 8 tabling. I’ve played 6500 hands in the past 2 days and it feels like nothing. I should be able to churn thru 10k hands every 3 days doing this I think and it should reduce my overall variance a ton(ie won’t bitch about pokerEV so much because I should be able to play alot more hands in a month and see longterm results quicker).
I’ve been getting more organized recently and have been keeping better records. I made a poker expenses spreadsheet which contains two sheets, one to keep track of withdrawals and one to keep track of expenses. I have it uploaded on my so I can update it from anywhere in the world. If you pay taxes on your poker winnings I highly recommend using this or something like it as it will save you a ton of time come tax time next year! Hope it’s useful to someone.
People probably gonna think I’m gay for posting but I think its a good song.