Sorry about the bad beat posts recently. Nobody likes to hear about them. I’ve got two finals coming up this week, one on Tuesday and one on Wednesday so I think I’ll be taking some time off from poker. In fact, I may be done for the month, because after that I’m going home for […]
This is just getting gross. I’m done for the day.
Is all that I can say about poker lately. I played 600 hands today, lost 3 big ones for full buyins then went on a little bit of tilt and lost 2 pots for 1/2 buyin each. Here’s the 3 big ones. Honestly, wtf? Cooloer Another wtf hand I made a post on CR asking […]
Played 2500 hands today averaging 1BB/100 for a profit of $56. Its a lot of hands for me, but I’m sure not very many for a lot of people. I definitely have some holes in my game I need to get fixed. At least I’m not losing anymore. I’m also slightly positive for the month […]
It’s not every day you get set over setted for almost a 400bb pot. Oh well – I get my share of luck, though every poker player always seems to think he gets less than everyone else. I’m actually at about $7.7k after this pot. Played about 1200 hands or so today. Classes end […]
Ya so I lied. Cash games are too addictive. Its what I first started playing years ago and I can’t keep away from them. I’ve actually had a little bit of success at them this month. Here’ s my graph of the measly 4k hands I’ve played, mostly 2 and 3 tabling. The big dropoff […]
Sorry about my emo post last time. Poker is not going well right now however. Haven’t had time to play that much really. Today I played 12 $60s and 8 $27s so I could get platinum status on stars. Otherwise I wouldn’t have played at all. I ended up winning 2/12 of the 60s and […]
I hate it. That is all. BR down to 9.2k now.
Finally got in the green for the month. A much less depressing way of looking at it is I’m up over a grand in the past week. I’ve been dabbling in some short handed NL hold em even though I said that I wouldn’t. After watching aba’s video on cardrunner’s something just really clicked with […]
Yeah so I went to this company info thingy the other night and I get there right when it starts and they are all out of pizza. So I’m upset – I’m not even late and no free dinner what is that? So I sit down next to this girl who has five slices of […]
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