First half of 2008 desktop NL results
First half of 2008 desktop NL all in luck
Second Half of 2008 Desktop NL Results
Second Half of 2008 Desktop NL all in luck
So total profits on desktop are about $38k over about 300k hands. I also made something like 5k on Cakepoker, 13kish from rakeback and I’m pretty sure I lost quite a bit on tournies & playing live but I don’t really know how much. So overall totals are somewhere in the 80k range over about 400k hands.
In terms of run bad I ran about 48k below expectation in all in luck for the year. It’s really disgusting to think about considering I’ve played <10k hands at 10/20 and above but there's nothing I can do other than hope 2009 the boomswitch year. I also realize "oh I might have gotten more AA than people's KK pf" but until you have some way of measuring that I think its a pretty bad argument. I would also like to add that I've been working on ways to reduce my variance in spots so I get it in as a bigger favorite than I would otherwise. For example, raising or reraising a particular hand may be +EV in itself but calling or even folding in certain spots can be way more +EV or at the very least reduce variance. I'm not going to go into specific hand examples but alot of pf spots come to mind if you think about it long enough :-). I also lost $6k this year on my failed internet business venture. I’ll just go ahead and spill the beans that it was supposed to similar to tableratings(it would have been more customizable in terms of how the data could be searched and displayed) but I was going to charge after 5 searches or whatever for the day just like sharkscope does. I have no idea how tableratings makes money (I doubt they do) but more power to them. I learned alot from the failed venture and as an open invite to anyone with alot of free time if you are interested in pursuing the Indian web development PROVAB – DO NOT HIRE THEM ON YOUR OWN!! – further to get them to finish the project feel free to leave a comment or email me. It would basically entail going on skype every evening and calling them asking them why they haven’t done any work in 6 months. I can’t pay you(already $6k in the hole) though I would give you a stake in the company should it ever come to fruition. Basically, they are halfway done, I paid them $6k and they stopped working, I owe them $4k upon completion which I would pay if they ever got done, but I just got sick & tired of dealing with them every night and them never getting shit done. I’ve been thinking alot about 2009 goals and whatnot, that will probably be my next post but I think alot of people have fundamental flaws in their 2009 poker goals. Everyone who has $$ goals its kinda pointless, are you just gonna quit when you reach it? obv not. And to everyone who has goals of moving up to x limit 5/10,10/20,25/50 or whatever realize that just because you are playing in those games does not mean you are maximizing your hourly. I kinda realized this in the past couple months breaking even in tough 5/10 games(oh btw shipped like $15k in Dec so that was nice and played like 90% at 2/4). Cool red pro forums on pokerroad if you haven’t checked them out yet. Each post is insightful because no donks are allowed to post.
I’ll leave you with a finance quote from a book that I’ve been reading recently which I find pretty similar to poker.
“Some men wrest a living from nature and with their hands; this is called work.
Some men wrest a living from those who wrest a living from nature and with their hands; this is called trade.
Some men wrest a living from those who wrest a living from those who wrest a living from nature and with their hands; this is called finance.”
-Old epigram from 19th century Great Britain
sic on the behind ev part, makes me feel better about mine though