Got my 40″ yesterday and its pretty sweet. Haven’t been playing much poker lately but have been doing well nonetheless. I did manage to sleep through my coaching appointment with nutedawg though, I hope he’s not too pissed at me. We rescheduled for tomorrow so I’m looking forward to that. Just watched Quentin Tarantino’s Grindhouse: Deathproof and it was excellent. By far the best movie I’ve seen in awhile. Children of Men was kinda disappointing to be honest but still a pretty good movie. I’ve been playing a little chinese poker for play money recently to learn the game and its pretty fun. It seems to be mostly luck though, I have been confused about how to play a few hands like is it better to have two pair in the middle and jack high in the front or one pair in each? I’m not really sure but it’s pretty fun regardless. You can read an article on basic rules and strategy here:

and you can play for play money at: if you are interested in learning the game.

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