So I’m running so sick hot in April so far its pretty sick. It’s obviously not sustainable and I’m just waiting for the doomswitch. I’m usually not a very superstitious person but posting that I’m running hot right now has always seemed like bad luck for me. I imagine that contributes a little to why I post so infrequently. When I run bad I don’t want to post cuz it’s just going to be me whining and who wants to hear that amirite? and when I’m running hot I don’t want to post for fear of my streak ending as soon as I post. Meh, oh well, guess I need to think more like Tommy Angelo and realize there is no such thing as a streak and just post on a more regular schedule regardless of recent results.

If I were smart I’d probably just stick to 3/6 and grind out really decent months there , but I just can’t help myself and I’m up like $5k so far playing some 5/10 so I’m definitely going to be playing some more of that this month. I hope it continues to go well.

Dodgy & BTimm were here all weekend visiting and I had a good time having them here. We played quite a bit of wii, and a decent amount of poker. I definitely picked up a couple of things for my poker game while they were here and it was very helpful to have someone there telling me to fold the marginal rivers that I’m usually a payoff machine on. One quote from dodgy I liked while watching him play was “Well he check called the flop as the pf raiser so I’m going to fire three barrels. Don’t really know what he has but he’s gotta be weak.” We also coined the term

flushot (noun) – the backdoor nut flushdraw

here’s a hand of me running good on someone when I hit my flushot

Here’s a hand from yesterday that I was a little unsure about, but I think it’s good. Hands like these really indicate that I’m running good/playing good imo because when I’m running bad I call here 100% of the time and wouldn’t even consider folding.

Going to go watch the ncaa championship game now, enjoy the single greatest use of LED technology ever!

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